Feed My Starving Children

sat05nov11:30 amsat1:15 pm11:30 am - 1:15 pm(GMT-05:00) Feed My Starving ChildrenAll Church Event

Event Details

On Saturday, November 5th we will be having an all church event at FMSC due to not being able to have GEM this year.

The time will be 11:30am – 1:15pm at the Schaumburg location.  To get everyone’s energy going, we will also have a little cider, coffee and donuts before hand at SPC! Starting Sunday, October 16th we will have FMSC banks available for any and everyone to collect ‘Koins for Kids’ when they sit down to a meal at home.

 We can all work together for a great cause in feeding others.

You can sign up on the Kiosk at church starting on 10/16 or contact Sue Peterson via email speterson403@comcast.net or by phone 847-508-1996.


November 5, 2022 11:30 am - 1:15 pm(GMT-05:00)

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