Care Ministry / Deacons

As Christians, we are all called to care for each other, but the Deacon’s ministry focuses specifically on providing care, compassion and love to people.
The focus of our ministry is having regular personal contact with Southminster members and those with special needs including:
- Staying in touch with members who are going through difficult times, and helping to provide support with meals, care, or just listening
- Serving as a communication link – for information, concerns, and prayers
- Providing meals or refreshments following funerals and memorial services
- Connecting the homebound with the church through Faithful Friends
- Coordinating the church-wide Family to Family Christmas mission outreach
- Assisting those in need financially through our Deacon’s Care Fund supported by volunteer contributions
- All members of Southminster belong to a parish and each parish has a deacon which oversees the needs of each parish
- For more information or to contact a deacon please contact
Assisted Living Services
Data, research and resources about this important step.