Phase Parenting

Phase Parenting is an important part of Family Ministry at SPC that supports our parents and families.

This program was developed from The Phase Project, which is a synthesis of personal experience, academic research, and gatherings of leaders and educational experts from across the child development spectrum.
You have approximately 936 weeks from the time your child is born until he or she graduates from high school. It goes by fast, and kids change and grow quickly. It’s as if they shift or move on just as you’re starting to figure them out. It all makes the responsibility to shape a child’s faith and character feel overwhelming. Get to know your child in the phase they are in now . . . and get a glimpse into what all this new phase may bring.
Taco-bout Kids Parent Nights

As parents, we know our kids are always changing. From newborn to twelfth grade, there is always something new in their development, or some new challenge they are facing, or some new obstacle they are overcoming. So how do we make the most of each developmental phase in a kid’s life? How do we parent in a way that helps our kids feel known and supported? How can we anticipate some of the challenges they will face?
These meet ups will help you make the most of the phase your child or teen is in right now. It’s never too late, even if you’re parenting a twelfth grader. We gather for optional dinner and fellowship at 6pm and start our program at 6:45 so we are done by 8pm. Childcare is available, please note this on your registration or email
Check this page for upcoming dates and times for future meet-ups.

Parenting Resources
We also offer a library of Phase Guides, and other parenting books upstairs in our Children’s Education wing. Created in partnership with Parent Cue, these guides are designed to help you parent your child through every year.