Donald Clark Jr presents ~ Summary Judgment - A Lawyer's View of Capital Punishment and our Legal System

sun07may11:00 amsun12:00 pm11:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00) Donald Clark Jr presents ~ Summary Judgment - A Lawyer's View of Capital Punishment and our Legal SystemA Special Guest Speaker for Adult Ed

Event Details

Everyone leaves death row.  Few leave it alive.  Our guest speaker at 11 AM following worship on Sunday, May 7, will be Don Clark, a lawyer who represented a death row inmate.

During the summer of 1984 twenty-year-old Tommy Hamilton, the product of a deprived childhood in rural Alabama, shoots and kills his boss. Convicted of murder, Tommy is sentenced to death. Before facing the electric chair, one final appeal offers the chance to save Tommy’s life, if only his Chicago based lawyer and a nun from Alabama can prove he is not legally guilty…even though he is not factually innocent.

During his time with us at Southminster, Tommy’s lead attorney will reveal to us how this fascinating true crime story and life-and-death case unfolded in real time. He will share some of the important insights into our legal system and death penalty jurisprudence that are fully set forth in his book about the case, Summary Judgment


May 7, 2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

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