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Advent GIFT Series

sun24nov11:15 amsun12:15 pm11:15 am - 12:15 pm(GMT-06:00) Advent GIFT SeriesGIFT HOUR

Event Details

“the ROCK, the ROAD, and the RABBI” Come to the Land Where it all Began

Kathie Lee Gifford invites you to join her as she visits sites in Israel that have impacted her life. As she shares her story, Rabbi Jason Sobel, a messianic Jewish rabbi who was trained in the ancient rabbinical way, provides fascinating background into the language, culture and heritage making the New Testament come alive.  

In this four-session video series and small group discussion, you can walk with Kathie on her journey through the spiritual foundations of her faith. You’ll learn more about the Rock (Jesus Christ), explore the Road (Israel), and dig deeper into the Bible with the Rabbi (God’s Word).

Something profound happens when we follow along the ancient path in the actual places where Jesus was born, where He taught, healed, lived, died and where He was resurrected into heaven.

 Please join us starting Sunday, Nov 24th at 11:15 AM in the Pierce Room.

Optional books available at Southminster Central 

staring Sunday, Nov 17th. Suggested Donation: $8.00.

 Questions? SPC Contact: Bob or Kathy Erickson at


November 24, 2024 11:15 am - 12:15 pm(GMT-06:00)

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