The Creation Care Ministry Team

“How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small.“
The Creation Care Ministry Team at Southminster
As a faithful community at Southminster, we need to express our love for God by showing reverence for the Earth and all its creatures. Toward this end, we will seek a greater understanding of our right relationship with creation, steward Earth’s resources more justly and sustainably, and partner with neighbors near and far to advocate for the personal and public practices which advance these aims. We seek to understand, protect, preserve, and conserve God’s good Earth.
The Creation Care Team encourages you to do all that you can do to serve God as a faithful steward of God ‘s Creation.
Upcoming Events

Seed Starting Class and Grace Garden Prep
Recent Events

Loving All God’s Creation
Click Here for the Document: How to have a conversation about Climate Change

Protect God’s Creation
Education and Initiatives
Creation Care Movie
Protecting the Environment Through Gardening Techniques – Led by Jeanie Bond
Sunday, April 14 – As Spring approaches, many of us begin to think about working in our gardens. Did you know that growing native plants is good for the environment? The Creation Care Team is honored to present our own Jeanie Bond, Master Gardener, to speak to us about gardening techniques that protect our environment. Click Here for the Video
Luke 12:27-28) states “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!”
Wildflowers are attractive, but often we have to reframe what we have been taught about home landscaping. According to the U.S. Dept of Agriculture and other sources, there are many advantages to using native plants in gardening. Not only are they beautiful, they promote biodiversity, support wildlife, reduce air pollution, and use less water. Learn more about how to include native plants in your garden and containers.
Advocacy 101
On Sunday, March 17, two teams – the Social Justice Team and the Creation Care Team – hosted Legislative Advocacy 101. It was led by Rev. Lindsey Hammond and James Swansey, and attendees came away well equipped to advocate for the social issues that matter.
Click here for the link to the recording: Legislative Advocacy 101, Lindsey Hammond & James Swansey from Restore Justice
Click here for the powerpoint presentation.
Recycling at SPC
One of our first initiatives is to review the recycling program at Southminster. Our first step is to educate ourselves about what is acceptable/what is not acceptable curbside. Theresa Greinig, Education Director at SWANCC (Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County) presented an interesting and informative talk on recycling on Sunday, August 20. Please watch the video of Theresa’s presentation if you missed it, please click here for that presentation.
Click Here for the link from Sunday, September 17 when Dan Huntsha, the North and West Suburbs Senior Outreach Coordinator for Faith in Place, presented a Home Energy Audit Workshop. How efficiently are you running your home? Dan helped participants discover how much energy their home uses, where their home is inefficient and which problem areas and fixes they should prioritize to save energy and improve the comfort of their home.
Here are the resources that were offered in the presentation.
If you would like to learn more about getting a free home audit, take advantage of peak time savings or hourly pricing: or call (855) 433-2700
If you would like information about free solar (for low income) or community solar (for all income levels): or call (888) 970-4732
Here’s another source of information for discounted solar and community solar:
Contamination from Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) chemicals is a national public health and environmental emergency. PFAS negatively affect the blood and organs of nearly every living being, and are called “forever chemicals” because they resist degradation and remain in the body for decades. Southminster is helping to increase awareness of these chemicals and support for legislation on the national and state level that would declare these substances hazardous. Click Here for more information.
If you’d like to learn more about how you can take action to protect our environment, please contact Barb Taylor at or Janet Thompson at