G.I.F.T. (Growing in Faith Together)

What questions do you wrestle with in your faith? How can you deepen your relationship with God? What are we called to do in this world as Christians? This is a time when adults of all ages gather together to learn, share, and grow in their faith. A variety of different series and opportunities are planned throughout the year and are offered from different ministries within Southminster like Creation Care, Discipling, Mission & Social Justice.
G.I.F.T. Classes
Goin’ Fishin’ ~ Fishing for People
GIFT – Growing in Faith Together – means Goin’ Fishin’!
Our GIFT time following worship in Lent will focus on the imperative of invitational evangelism – on inviting others to the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ that we have experienced. As Jesus called his first disciples with an invitation they couldn’t refuse, so He calls us:
Follow me, and I will teach you to fish for people!

Our pastor Chuck Mize is excited to lead the first three sessions in this series, on March 9, 16, and 23. As they say, The Christian faith is more caught than taught. Here is the series:
Goin’ Fishin’ – Fishing for People
The Imperative of Invitational Evangelism Today
Scripture texts: Mark 1:16-20; Matthew 28:16-20
March 9: You’ve got to know your lake: it’s not our grandparents’ church anymore. Click Here for Video
Our changing culture and the place of the church in society.
Christendom has ended. Why that’s a good thing.
What are the things that don’t change?
March 16: Don’t forget your tackle and bait. Click Here for Video
Relevance, relevance, relevance!
Hell doesn’t work anymore.
Never judging or condemning. Always inviting!
March 23: You’ve got to love to fish.
For us, the fish are people. If you don’t love them, they’ll never be caught.
Forget glittering generalities. Make it personal.
Have a plan and work it. Never give up!
March 30: Kathy & Bob Erickson will be presenting their efforts to establish relationships in their community.
April 6: Going Fishing, Reflect Light
Pastor Adam Hamilton offers practical thoughts on how we can share our faith by building relationships in non-threatening ways. People without a church do not want doctrine, they want to see people who care about them and who make the world a better place. What would you like people to say about our church? Come and brainstorm ideas based upon what Adam shares with us.
Jerusalem: Crucifixion and Resurrection
Join us on April 13th for another segment from “The Rock, The Road, & The Rabbi”
Kathy Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel take us to locations in today’s Jerusalem. They discuss important events in Jesus’ final days as he suffered, died and rose from the dead three days later. The process of his arrest, trial, procession to Golgotha, and crucifixion bear striking parallels to the Roman procession known as the triumph. We rejoice in the triumph of new life that Jesus offers us through faith in his sacrifice on the cross for our sins and the promise that his resurrection offers us.

Past G.I.F.T. Series
Video Recordings
Featured Speaker from a Cloud of Witness Faith Stories
Every year, our church asks people to share their ‘faith story’ (how they came to know God). Each person has a unique faith journey, which demonstrates how God spoke to them and established a relationship with them. In the summer of 2022, our interim pastor, Rev. Chuck Mize, shared his faith journey. In the link below, you will be connected to a recording of that presentation. We invite you to get to know “Chuck”, a retired pastor to six congregations, who came out of retirement to serve Southminster Presbyterian Church. Chuck stated: “ministry is a life of serving God by learning, teaching, sharing and doing the love of Jesus in the church, the body of Christ in the world.” See for yourself.

Rainbow Conversation ~ Two Week Series

During the GIFT hours on February 2nd and 9th, the Rainbow Conversation Team will present a two-part series focusing on the most misunderstood, at-risk, and controversial sector of the LGBTQ+ community – those who are Transgender.
Through informative and powerful videos followed by discussion, we hope to shed more light on what it means to be transgender and how we, as a church, can be more open and affirming. We encourage you to join us for this important conversation. We dedicate this series to all the colorful birds.
In case you missed it, Transgender Week 1 ~ Click for Video
In case you missed it, Transgender Week 2 ~ Click for Video
January is Mission Month!

Mission Team 1/5 ~ Click Here for Video
Christopher House 1/12 ~ Click Here for Video.
Ron Bottrell Presbyterian Disaster Assistance 1/19 ~ Click Here for Video
Char Shuman – Faith in Practice 1/26 ~ Click Here for Video
Advent Series
“the ROCK, the ROAD, and the RABBI” Come to the Land Where it all Began
Questions? SPC Contact: Bob or Kathy Erickson by Email

Kathie Lee Gifford invites you to join her as she visits sites in Israel that have impacted her life. As she shares her story, Rabbi Jason Sobel, a messianic Jewish rabbi who was trained in the ancient rabbinical way, provides fascinating background into the language, culture and heritage making the New Testament come alive.
In this four-session video series and small group discussion, you can walk with Kathie on her journey through the spiritual foundations of her faith. You’ll learn more about the Rock (Jesus Christ), explore the Road (Israel), and dig deeper into the Bible with the Rabbi (God’s Word).
Something profound happens when we follow along the ancient path in the actual places where Jesus was born, where He taught, healed, lived, died and where He was resurrected into heaven.
Week One: Bethlehem ~ Where it all began Click for Video, Handout & Map of Holy Land in Jesus’ Time
Week Two: Nazareth ~ The early years Click for Video & Handout
Week Three: Capernaum ~ Ministry Headquarters Click for Video & Handout
Week Four: Galilee ~ Ministry Grounds Click for Video & Handout
Week Five: Mount of Olives ~ The Triumphal Entry Click for Video & Handout
Through My Eyes